The “Clean eating” Fallacy for Health and Fat Loss

In this article, I will be busting the myth that you need to "eat clean" to lose fat and for health,once again, with scientific references. Stick around to find out more. Table of contents Introduction Clean eating has no real defintion Clean eating might even be dangerous What really drives Fat loss - Calories in,Calories... Continue Reading →

Ideal rep range for building muscle?

In this post, I will be discussing about the different rep ranges that are commonly used in workout routines to build muscle - with science! Stick around to find out more. At the "Conclusion" section, I have a program recommendation which puts everything that is discussed here into an organized workout routine. If you'd like... Continue Reading →

The importance of the Romanian deadlift and other eccentric-based exercises for improving the deadlift

Table of contents Introduction Longer duration eccentrics lead to greater hypertrophy and strength Eccentrics improves flexibility of the targeted muscle Eccentrics MAY help prevent muscle strains References Introduction Eccentric exercises has been researched on many times in the literature. There are numerous benefits to incorporating eccentric exercises in your training. In this article, I am... Continue Reading →

What does a weightlifting belt do?

In this post, I am going to answer the question "what does a weightlifting belt do?" with SCIENTIFIC research. Also at the end, I will do a quick review on the various weight lifting belts on the market, particularly Inzer weight lifting belts. Inzer lever belt. Click on image to buy from Amazon  Table of... Continue Reading →

Benefits of weightlifting shoes

Introduction What are weightlifting shoes? Performance benefit of weightlifting shoes Better squatting benefits weightlifting shoes Potential muscle building benefits of weightlifting shoes Conclusion Weightlifting Shoe Review Introduction Should I get weightlifting shoes? Does weightlifting shoes improve my squat? Does weightlifting shoes help with quad growth? These are probably some of the questions you might be... Continue Reading →

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